Wednesday, October 31, 2012

And More on We Day

-->We Day 2012

We Day was very inspiring! I really enjoyed it. 

When we got there I was bored at first because the host had to keep saying these lines so they can edit them and put this in the T.V. special episode that will be shown on November 11 at 7:00 P.M. on CTV and Much Much.

There were a lot of stars but my three favourites were Magic Johnson, Spencer West, and Craig and Mark Kielburger.

All the other stars were great but I picked those three because they were very inspirational. Magic Johnson, a famous basketball player, is fighting Aids, Spencer West climbed Mount Kilimanjaro without any legs, and Craig and Mark created Me to We.  All of them are also very inspirational and I knew about them and I liked them too.

  We Day really changed me and I often think about bullying and how to stand up to stop it.

  By: Balkaran Dhaliwal

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More reports from We Day

Here is Harry's report
On October 18, 2012 I went to we day and it was lots of fun. When we got there we had to find our seats and after we found them we sat down. About ten minutes later the show began and I was really excited for it. There were lots of performers there like Demi Lovato, Cody Simpson, One Republic and etc. My favourite band was One Republic. Lots of people came and talked about poverty like Magic Johnson and the Kielburger brothers. They all had very inpiring speeches. I really enjoyed the show, and We Day was really inspiring and if we all work together we can end poverty and BE THE CHANGE.
And from Amita...
On Thursday, October 18, 2012, I went to We Day.  Thousands and thousands of people were there.  First, I was scared that I might get lost but I didn't.  Then we went up the stairs and entered and sat on our seats then the show began.  Lots of famous people came and gave a speech.  In every speech that the famous people gave, they said WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE.  And all those speeches touched my heart especially the one when a little girl came up.  She said if we are one anyone can hurt us and harm us, but if we are together no one can hurt or harm us.  So let's make the change!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

We Day

19 students and Ms. Jeram, Ms. King, and Laura attended We Day.  Although it was an early morning all had a great time.  To learn more about We Day and to find out when you can watch the broadcast if you were not one of the lucky ones to attend,  here is the link!  Stay tuned for pictures and more reports!

Here is Rajveer's report on the day!
We Day was a very special day. I had so much fun and I liked it a lot. I think We Day was fun,because of the noise,the singers, and the other special people who came. It was very special because of the inspiring speeches and I also learned a lot from those speeches. My favorite part of the We Day was when Sean Desman, Magic Johnson and the Kielburger brothers spoke. We Day was amazing and it was spectacular.

We Scare Hunger

October 31 to November 8th we will be collecting food for the food bank.  You will be asking people to donate when you trick or treat and we are asking all classes to bring in food.  To find out more about this please go to We Scare Hunger on the  Free the Children website. 

The next big campaign we may want to become involved in is We Create Change  about collecting pennies.  This will enable more people in the world to have access to clean water, one of our most basic needs. 

When you look at these campaigns you will see other campaigns that you may want to do at Trudeau.  You need to come to our meetings with your ideas and your knowledge. 

In less than two weeks Division One raised 600 dollars to help the poor in our city.  It's amazing what you can do! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

End Poverty Day, October 17th

 Here we go starting an exciting new year with our Me to We Club.

To learn more about End Poverty Day here is the information that I received from Trish Garner who is coordinating this day!  What can we do at Trudeau?!

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for getting involved with End Poverty Day, student day of action on October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. We now have 20 schools registered all around the province, from Vancouver to Telegraph Creek! Check out our Google map to see them all
New Resources
As you know, all the resources to support you in hosting your events are online at:  - I've just added a Take Action flyer that you could print and give out and Poverty Buttons if you have a button maker.

Community speaker
If you're planning an event with speakers and you'd like someone who could talk about the personal experience of living in poverty or an anti-poverty activist in your local community, please let me know and I'll try to match you with one of our community partners.

I'll be sending out a media advisory next week to let the media know about this campaign. If you or any of your students would feel comfortable being interviewed on the day, please let me know. Media always like to talk to the people involved, especially young people, so this would really make a difference. Thanks!

Can you all send me a short paragraph about what you have planned for the day so that I can include that on the Google map and on our website?

For inspiration, here's a flash mob created for Homelessness Action Week last year:

Also, the Welfare Food Challenge, which involves eating on $26 for a week, starts on October 16. The website is now up and running here