Monday, January 31, 2011

Me to We

Me to We Newsletter

From January 10th to January 24th, our Me to We local committee organized the collecting of toques and gloves for homeless youth at Covenant House. The Me to We club collected 27 items. Four members of our Me to We club will be going to Covenant House to drop off the items. The youth of Covenant House now have warm clothing for the cold winter season.

We will be going to a radio station to talk about our projects. Four of our Me to We members will be going to Red FM 93.1. The 4 members will be talking live on the radio station. The speakers will talk in both English and Punjabi. After our speech, people will be able to donate money for our Brick by Brick project by calling in the radio station. Our goal is to raise about $8500 for our project. Right now we have raised $5800. So if you want to donate money, please talk to one of our Me to We members at Trudeau or contact the Trudeau office.

By: Gursharan and Jane

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Covenant House

  Since it's getting cold outside and the homeless youth of Vancouver is outside right now in the cold streets. Luckily,Covenant House has a home for those homeless youth. But they can't do it alone... We need everyone's help in order to help them and Covenant House. Help by brining touques and gloves that are new or slightly used. We still have a table outside our school library for you to drop off your donations for Covenant House. We'll be open for donation in the morning and at lunch until January 21. Come on Trudeau Tigers! We can help the cold homeless youth that is outside right now!


Monday, January 10, 2011


     The volunteering committee finally organized our first Me to We volunteer project. Two groups of the Me to We went up to St. Patrick's church to volunteer at their soup kitchen on two Saturdays, December 4th and 11th. It was a success and a great experience to help and feed Vancouver's homeless people. We prepared food  and served it to the people who came to the soup kitchen. We served a lot of people on both Saturdays. The Me to We members' parents and some older siblings came to help out too. Everyone was polite and thankful. The students who volunteered felt good and happy to help our community. Thank you so much to Jerrica and all the Volunteer Committee members for organizing this!